An ancient prophecy turned sisters against each other for centuries. The Prophecy of the Sisters is a gothic fantasy and the first book in the trilogy. Lia and Alice Milthorpe’s parents just recently died and are now under the care of their aunt. Their lives suddenly turned a 360 degrees turn and they now found themselves entangled in a mystery that involves a tattoo, a book, a boy, their parents’ deaths and a lifetime secrets and lies.
16 year old Lia Milthorpe, is an angel and also the gate to the otherworld, while her twin Alice Milthorpe is the guardian of the prophecy. One has good intentions, while the other, strives for destruction.
Let Lia and Alice take you to a new twist of sisterhood love and hatred, and lead you to the opposite side of blood thicker than water.
Lia and Alice don’t know whom they can trust. They just know they can’t trust each other.
1. Cover - ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Two words “EYE-CATCHING” and “INTRIGUING”. From the moment I laid eyes on the book, I knew it’s definitely worthy being in a shelf together with Kate Lauren’s Fallen, Claudia Gray’s Evernight Series and all those gothic fantasies that made my collection so far. Other than that, the border inside the book made me feel that I was reading an old hardbound book written by famous writers during the Victorian era. The silver prints of the title surely brought out the picture of the twins.
2. Plot - ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I find the story captivating as Lia, the heroine of the story finds her way to solve the mystery of the lost keys, discover her role to the prophecy and find her way back from the Otherworld, while her twin sister Alice, tries to stop her and lead the evil soul Samhain into the world of the humans to reign for eternity. The story gets even better after Lia solved her way to the riddles of prophecy.
3. Character Development - ♥ ♥ ♥
I got a little carried away with Alice’s behaviour because I felt that she has another personality (that I actually think she has.), and it really saddens me a lot after Henry’s death (sorry if I’m being a spoiler, I just can’t help it.), I really don’t like the idea of a character dying in a predictable scene. Anyway, Lia’s character seems to have a progress until the end, but I still think she really should keep secrets in a much better way.
4. Over-all Rating - ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
The story is set in old England and some readers might find it challenging (well I did). It’s a good story submerged in the world of spells, tragedy, parody of family secrets that brought a whole new look to sibling rivalry. The book was distinctive, surely the second part is a must awaited.
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