Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Book Review System

As much as possible, we'd like to give positive feed backs on each book, although there might be some negative comments too, but we'll keep it at a minimum. We know every reader has different preferences. We might not like a book, but for others, it's probably the best one out there.

The authors did their best to make it perfect, therefore
we'll also do our very best to provide the most appropriate and unbiased book reviews with novels of these genres: Supernatural-Romance, Fantasy-Romance, Urban- Fantasy, Adventure, Historical-Romance, Paranormal-Romance, Young-Adult Novels, and Mystery.

Our review ratings will be based on these following criteria:
1. Cover - The over-all cover of the book.
2. Plot - including uniqueness of the story and its twist.
3. Character Development
4. Over-all Rating

Five (5) Hearts will be given for each criteria.
- Awesome! - Great - Good - It was okay - Ugh